Today we had some special visitors come to Room 12 from the Everyday Theatre. First I thought it was all about acting, but as the minutes went on I realised that each time we swiped the actors in, a new scene begins. We had to do the challenges and if we did them really well we won bonus points.
Our first challenge activity was when one person had to go on the inside of the donut and the other person was on the outside. Then we had to summarise what our buddies said to the next person. For completing the task we received one bonus point and we had to try earn ten bonus points. Once again we swiped in Katelyn and Julia into the game as they were role playing. The game got interesting but then they paused the game and gave us another task to do which was to get in to groups and whatever the piece of paper says we had to make a picture.
When we swiped them back in they were doing the scene called the hot seat. The way the hot seat works is: we choose a character that we want to ask questions to, if the person is having trouble then they can press help, if they think everybody is laughing at them then press the safe button and if you think the person is not telling the truth then we press the truth button.
When we swiped them back in the game they were up to the part when Dave goes to pick up T but when Maria opened the door she was in a bad mood and refused to let Dave take T because it was her turn to spend time with T that weekend. But as usual they had a big argument and Dave left so Katelyn and Julia decided to pause the game and move on to our next task. Our next task we participated in was to make a picture with a group and say something that popped in our head about our character on the piece of paper.
This time when they resumed the game they tried role play with a little bit of hope put into the game. When a little bit of hope was put in everything was good and bright, the characters were being nice and working things out and it all turned out smooth. For our next task we did the same thing as our last task but we had to add a little bit of hope to our character.
We swiped them in for the last time and everything was back to normal but with all the characters nice and friendly. Our last task was to get in a circle and choose a character to give advice to and at the end of the task it was time to say goodbye but before we did we learnt a special new handshake and we got a games master badge.