
Friday, 16 December 2016

The Graduation Movie

We made this movie to show people how we can celebrate success in different ways. While we were making the movie I've learnt how to use movie maker and I've also learnt how to make beats with button bass.
We were inspired by the flashback movies we saw at the Film Festival this year.


  1. Hi Tupouseini,

    I love your flashback-inspired movie. It's wonderful to celebrate success and acknowledge people who have worked hard to achieve their goals!

    If you would like to continue your learning this year, please log onto the Summer Learning Journey blogging programme website and join the blogging programme. It's a lot of fun and a great way to maintain all of the great learning that you've done throughout the year with Mrs Buchanan.

    I really like the video that you made to commemorate your time at Ruapotaka school. I'm sure that you must be pretty sad to be leaving but I hope that you're also really excited about the next phase and the next adventure that awaits you!

    If you're interested in adventure and you'd like to practice your reading and writing skills for college, please consider joining our Summer Learning Journey blogging programme. It is running for the entire holiday.

    To join the programme, simply hop onto the Summer Learning Journey website (, click on the 'Weekly Activities' tab, choose from one of 60 different activities and post a blog about it.

    I will read your blog and post a comment back. I also have other teachers and students who would love to read your blog posts and provide comments. You will earn points for each blog that you post and I'll keep track of your points.

    At the end of the summer I'll bring prizes to the Top 3 bloggers in your school. I really hope that you'll join us and be in to win a great prize!

    You can start blogging any time that you want from now until the end of the January. The programme officially ends on Friday 27 January.

    Hope to see you online this month!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Tupouseini!

    Our names our Jennifer and Christina, and we're grade 8 students from Toronto. This was a really cool video, and we really enjoyed watching it! The music was really beautiful, and hearing you acknowledge others was so nice! That was very kind of you. The world needs more people like you!

    ~Jennifer and Christina

  4. Hi Tupouseini,

    My name is Madeleine and I live in Canada. I really enjoyed reading your blog! This video is really great! I love how you used inspiration from other films to make something completely unique. The soundtrack is really amazing, and it fits the video perfectly! I think you have a future making videos like these; maybe even movies! I love your writing style! Keep on writing, and have an awesome day!

    1. Kia Ora, Madeleine thanks for the lovely comment and yes i'll keep on writing have a great day in Canada.
