
Monday, 30 October 2017

First Day Of Term 4

On the 16th of October 2017 term 4 had finally started. I was excited to be back at school especially because I missed my friends. Daily fitness was fun and Mrs Golder announced that it was Chinese language week. We learned a Chinese word which was 'Huānyíng' and it means 'welcome'.

Shortly after sports the bell rang and everyone walked to assembly in the multipurpose room. Mrs Vickers talked about the Tamaki College Gala and the prefects said some reminders like 'testing soon' and 'to go home straight away'. One student from each classroom received a Duffy book from our sponsor Terry Jarvis for 'caught being good'. When we were back in class, Room Twelve Group One reviewed this week's Homework.

I learned a lot of things on my first day back at school I can't wait until tomorrow.